Stormbirds Rising by Robert Taylor Double remarque
Stormbirds Rising by Robert Taylor Double remarque
Me262s of III/JG7 led by Hermann Buchner one of the most famous Jet Aces, climb out of their base at Parchim and cross the River Havel west of Berlin. The Me262 are outbound to intercept a large Eighth Airforce bombing raid late in the war.
Initially the 262 was envisioned as a fast bomber, it's amazing potential as a fighter was not seen until too late. The Me262 was hindered by scarcity of fuel, spare parts and pilots later in the war when more fighter versions became available. If it was initially designed and designated a fighter, it could have had a serious impact on the air war over Europe.
This Aces edition print is signed by seven Luftwaffe Aces, Hermann Buchner, Wolfgang Wollenweber, Erich Rudorffer, Jorg Czypionka, Walter Schuck, Alfred Ambs and Norbert Hannig.