Stormbirds Over the Reich - Large Remarque

Stormbirds Over the Reich - Large Remarque

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Me262’s stalking B-26’s, the groundbreaking Me262 were armed with 24 R4M rockets and multiple cannons making them a fast and deadly adversary. The revolutionary Me262 had a top speed of 540mph in level flight significantly faster than anything then flying.

The large remarqued print is signed by Adolf Galland, Walter Schuck and Erich Rudorffer, the most skilled Me262 pilots, members of JV 44, Squadron of Experts.

The remarque features Galland and Krupinski one of the best JV 44 Aces and an Me262 remarque, one of the best remarques of an Me262 I have seen by Robert Taylor.

Large Robert Taylor Remarques, Luftwaffe,
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