Victory Flyover by Robert Taylor
Victory Flyover by Robert Taylor
Victory Flyover depicts the formal surrender aboard the U.S.S Missouri in Tokyo Bay September 2, 1945. The formal surrender document was signed aboard U.S.S Missouri in Tokyo Bay with MacArthur, Nimitz, Halsey and Sherman presiding.
As the surrender document was being signed the skies filled with US Aircraft, Corsairs, Hellcats, Avengers, Helldivers, Mustangs, Thunderbolts and Superfortresses. The war against Japan was won.
The four-signature Edition print is signed by Ken Walsh, John Bremyer, Hal Lamar and Rear Admiral Nimitz Jr the son of Fleet Admiral Nimitz. The ten-signature Edition print is additionally signed by Jeff de Blanc, Bob Galer, Tom Guy, Jim Sweet, Ray Hankins and Bill Stewart.
This Publishers Proof ten signature Edition also comes with a matching numbered pencil print "Bound for Tokyo" made available only with the Publishers Proof edition when it was released. Also included is a copy of the Surrender Document.
Included with the Artist Proof is an Allied Victory in the Pacific poster and a copy of the official Japanese surrender document.
Editions Available:
- Publishers Proof with companion "Bound for Tokyo" and surrender document. SOLD
- Ten signature Artist Proof with Allied Victory poster and surrender document
- Four Signature Limited Edition
- Four Signature Presentation Copy
Print Size, 32" x 24", companion 21" x 15"