Last Moments of the Mohne Dam by Robert Taylor Double Remarque
Last Moments of the Mohne Dam by Robert Taylor Double Remarque
The Mohne Dam was the largest of a number of dams supplying essential water the the industrial complex in the Ruhr valley. Utilizing the "bouncing bomb" developed by Barnes Wallis the Dambusters of 617 squadron leea by Guy Gibson attacked the dams in a raid named Operation Chastise. In this illustration Digby Young in Lancaster AJ-A attacks the Mohne Dam. Guy Gibson and Mick Martin have already dropped their bombs weakening the dam.
The third pilot in the group Hoppy Hopgood had been hit by flak and crashed behind the dam. Digby Young the fourth Lancaster to attack released his bomb which exploded against the dam wall causing the Mohne Dam to rumble. Next up David Maltby delivered the final blow, and the dam was breached.
The collector's edition double remarque is signed by George Johnson, Ken Lucas, Fred Sutherland, Grant McDonald and Les Munro.
Print Size, 28" by 27"