Mustangs on the Prowl by Robert Taylor
Mustangs on the Prowl by Robert Taylor
Mustangs of the 55th Fighter Group in September 1944, homeward bound from long range escort mission over Germany. On their return the P51 Mustangs welcomed the opportunity to complete strafing attacks. The P51's are shown at low level in the Rhine Gorge, with the Castle of Stableck in the background.
The Aces edition print is signed by three aces, Bill Allen (Ace in a Day), Gerald Brown and Donald Cummings.
The Mighty Eighth Edition is additionally signed by Bud Mahurin and Steve Pisanos. It includes a companion print "Thunderbolt" signed by two great aces Gabby Gabreski and Jim Goodson.
The Generals Proof also includes a second companion matted print "Doolittle Over the Beaches" with Jimmy Doolittle flying over the Normandy Beaches in a P-38 on D-Day includes the signature of Jimmy Doolittle in the matting.
Editions Available:
- Aces Edition
- Mighty Eighth Edition with companion print
- Mighty Eighth Edition Artist Proof with companion print
- Generals Proof with companion print and matted companion
- Remarque
Print Size, 35" x 23", companion print 11" x 9", matted companion 22" x 14"